Do you need business funding? Don't worry, many banks now offer a variety of loan programs to help your business grow. One of their many programs is investment loans.

An investment loan is a banking program that provides long-term credit for businesses looking to develop their business. This type of loan is typically used to purchase new machinery or assets. Repair damaged machinery or old property. and even built a factory

Difference Between Working Capital Loan and Investment Loan Usually Revolving capital loan (KMK) Used for short-term needs of the company, such as paying employee salaries or purchasing raw materials, resulting in a lower credit limit and a shorter loan term.

Among the many banking companies that offer investment loan programs, BCA Bank is one of them. The specialty of BCA Bank's investment loans is the specified credit limit, which can be adjusted according to the needs of the company. Want to know? Read more below:

About BCA Investment Loans

The BCA Investment Credit is a funding program provided by this bank for clients who wish to expand their business by creating, purchasing or renovating productive assets. Not only business customers Each client will also have access to BCA investment credits, subject to the relevant requirements.

According to the official website of this company BCA investment credit is a type of loan that comes from two-step loan funds from Indonesian banks. This means that the source of these funds comes from foreign institutions or agencies, which go to Indonesian banks and, ultimately, Indonesian economic development commercial banks. In this way, it can be interpreted that investment loans through this bank are guaranteed to be safe.

In addition to providing investment loans with a limit determined according to the client's needs, BCA Bank also offers investment loans with a term of up to 12 years. The bank also allows for gradual disbursement of the loan with or without a term. Grace time (Grace period

BCA Investment Loan Interest Rates and Fees

Slightly different from other banks, BCA Bank does not provide specific information about the interest percentage of investment loans with this bank. However, if you look at the basic lending rate (SBDK) set by this company from February 28, 2023, the interest rate The bank's investment loan estimate is approximately 7.9% per annum for corporate clients and 8.10% per annum for retail clients.

Please note that the Basic Loan Rate (SBDK) is the minimum limit for considering interest for loan programs at the bank. In determining the interest a customer must pay, the bank will not only take into account the prime loan interest rate value but also the potential risk of each customer.

As for the expenses There are several types of expenses you need to prepare to receive this loan:

  • Sourcing Fee/Commission
  • Administrative expenses
  • interest
  • Penalties for late payments

BCA Investment Loan Terms and Conditions

Individual customers

  • Over 17 years old or married
  • Indonesian citizen
  • Not contrary to the law and morality
  • Not in bankruptcy or in bankruptcy disputes
  • smooth compilation

Business corporate customers

  • Have status as a juristic person or juristic person in Indonesia
  • Finance is effective
  • Complies with the company's regulations and does not violate the law.
  • Not in bankruptcy or in bankruptcy disputes
  • Smooth credit collection

Document requirements

  • Copy of KTP
  • A copy of the NPWP is required for each customer. and is not required for customers who are business organizations
  • Copy of family structure card
  • Copy of spouse's KTP
  • Copy of marriage certificate
  • A copy of the divorce/death certificate is required for each client. and is not required for customers who are business organizations
  • Copy of KTP of the board and commission for business corporate clients.
  • Copy of shareholder's KTP for business corporate customers

Collateral document requirements

The presence of collateral or guarantees will affect whether or not the credit you apply for is accepted and the credit worthiness. The stronger the collateral documents you submit, the more likely your loan application will be accepted and the greater the credit worthiness.

Collateral documents in the form of property

  • Copy of certificate
  • Copy of KTP and NPWP of the collateral owner (If the collateral is in the name of another person)
  • Copy of IMB
  • A copy of the final draft law of the United Nations.
  • Copy of most recent PBB payment proof

Collateral documents in the form of deposits

financial documents

  • Copy of financial statements that have been audited by a certified public accountant.
  • Copy of internal financial report *)
  • Copy of other bank accounts from at least 4 months past.

How to Apply for a BCA Investment Loan

In general, applying for a BCA investment loan involves several steps, including:

  1. Procedure for submitting and submitting a claim– In this step, you need to submit a loan application letter. A proposal that includes your funding plan and company profile. Including the above prerequisite documents.
  2. Analysis steps– In this step, the bank will analyze the customer's creditworthiness. In addition to considering the above submitted proposals, at this stage the bank will also check the credit history of the relevant customers at BCA Bank itself and at other banks.
  3. Inspect construction sites or repair projects– At this stage, the bank inspects the place where the funds will be used directly, whether for the construction of fixed assets or for repairs. This is intended to assess the feasibility of the project and confirm the potential risks of providing this loan. This is important, considering that investment loans tend to be small amounts, up to several billion rupiah. The results of this visit are subject to the subsequent approval of the branch managers of each branch of the bank.
  4. legal meeting– At this stage, the bank will discuss further with the borrower.
  5. Dissolution– If each party approves the credit details, BCA will disburse the loan funds.

If you want more complete information about the details of the loan application process, Including interest and fees offered. You can go to the nearest BCA bank branch office.

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