Continuing the hot news regarding the National Data Center has been hacked since June 17 2024, which has resulted in at least 210 agencies being affected, it turns out that unfortunately all stored data cannot be restored.

Yep, you read that right guys, according to information from Telkom's Network and IT Solution Director Herlan Wijanarko, his party has tried to deal with the impact of the PDN hack, including trying to recover data affected by the attack.

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The handling process was carried out together with the National Cyber ​​and Crypto Agency or BSSN, the Ministry of Communication and Information and the Police of the Republic of Indonesia.

We are working hard to recover the resources we have. What is clear is that data that has been affected by ransomware cannot be recovered. So now using the resources we still have,” said Herlan, Wednesday (26/6/2024).

But unfortunately, because it has been affected by Ransomware, the data cannot be recovered and the recovery process cannot be possible.

So, for those who don't know, the Ransomware case itself shocked the world WannaCryBasically, Ransomware will encrypt data on an infected system, so that users cannot access their data as long as the encryption key is not entered. The solution is of course that users have to decrypt, pay for the key, or give up their data.

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Returning to PDN, meanwhile, the data that has been locked by the Lockbit 3.0 Ransomware is still on the PDN server, but the Director General of Informatics and Public Communications at the Ministry of Communication and Information, Usman Kansong, confirmed that the… hacker cannot output or retrieve this data because the PDN system is currently isolated and cannot be accessed from outside.

“Yes, just leave it inside, we have isolated it. So there's nothing you can do about it. “He (the hacker) can't take it either,”

. “The data has been secured, it can no longer be tampered with by him or us. Because we've closed it, right?”

Usman said as quoted by Kompas Magazine

But what do you think? Can this ransomware be overcome and can important data on PDN be accessed again? try commenting and giving your thoughts and opinions below, guys.

Via : Compass, Voice

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