Some users really want to get the latest Windows build release faster, some of them may not only be testers and report bugs to Microsoft, but there are also those who just want to try the new features.

Well, one of them is of course me, sometimes I just want to try moving to Insider and try out various new features before they get to the public release, for example Windows 11 24H2 which is currently still in Insider Release Preview.

Also Read: How to Get Windows 11 24H2 Right Now!

Then the question is, can we leave the Windows Insider program on Windows 11? The answer is of course yes, guys, and you can actually exit this program directly via your account directly, which WinPoin has explained in the article. following.

How to Leave the Windows Insider Program on Windows 11

If you still want to have a Windows Insider account and just want to leave the Insider build on Windows 11, you can follow these steps.

Step 1. First, please open Settings > Windows updates > Windows Insider Program.

Step 2. Next, please click Stop getting preview builds and select an option Unenroll this device when the next version of Windows is released.

So, this option itself is only available for users who want to quit the Insider Beta and Release Preview Channel, where when this option is selected, when the public version or final release is available, you will automatically follow the release without having to downgrade and clean install.

If option Unenroll Once you have selected, then you just click Check for updates as usual.

Meanwhile, if you want to stop building Insider Dev or Canary, you have to take extra steps by rolling back to the previous build. However, keep in mind that this step is only available less than 30 days after you upgrade, if it has passed then this option will not be available.

The method is simple, just go to the Settings page > System > Recovery > Select Go back.

Next, follow the steps requested, but keep in mind that some applications may disappear, so make sure you backup all your important data first, guys.

So, those are some steps for how to leave the Windows Insider Program on Windows 11, please try it guys, I hope this article is useful.

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