As we already know, starting in 2021, Microsoft has changed the Windows 11 setup process where apart from Home version users, Pro version users Must use a Microsoft account to continue and complete the Windows 11 setup process.

But of course, users don't run out of ideas, guys, because there are quite a lot of bypass methods that we can do, starting from the creation process usb installer via Rufususing method Command Prompt with orders OOBEBYPASSNROor a trick that users rarely know, namely by entering e-mail a fake that doesn't connect anywhere.

Well, honestly, I only found out about this third trick after I accidentally entered the wrong domain in the email I created during the Windows 11 22H2 installation process, where when the email entered is wrong, we will be redirected to the creation form. local accounts.

However, there is bad news, guys, where according to information from Windows Central, this bypass method has been repaired or closed by Microsoft, where now when we try to enter the wrong email, there will be a message “Oops, something went wrong” instead of being given the option to fill in local accounts.

As in the video above, according to Windows Central Starting from the Windows 11 24H2 setup process, the bypass process can no longer be used and users are forced to enter the correct email otherwise the installation will not be able to continue.


So, if you forget to bypass your Microsoft Account from rufus appyou can do this method by entering the command OOBEBYPASSNRO in the Command Prompt.

You can read the steps themselves on the page following. However, it does not rule out the possibility that one day this bypass method will also be removed by Microsoft because as we know they are trying hard to get users to log in with a Microsoft account on the grounds that the full features of the new operating system will be obtained if the user logs in with their account.

What do you think gang? comment below.

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