in the past few days Indonesia's virtual world is shocked by the government's rhetoric about enforcing the Tapera deduction for self-employed workers. Although the initiative has been in place since 2016, this policy has not produced any pros and cons.

What does Tapera mean and what are its benefits? Read more below:

What is Tapera?

Tapera is an abbreviation for public housing savings. Tapera is one of the government programs that provide the National Social Security System (SJSN). Through this program It is hoped that the community will receive better housing facilities.

So in this program Salaries for private employees and ASN will be cut by 3%, with companies or recruitment agencies covering 0.5%, while workers will be responsible for 25%. For self-employed workers, The participant is responsible for all deductions.

The funds are then pooled to the Custodian Bank and by the Custodian Bank together with the investment manager. These funds are invested in investment vehicles such as SBN deposits, etc. Participants can benefit from this program if they want to build a house, buy a new house or have completed their membership period.

The issuance of this project is in accordance with the 1945 Constitution, Article 28 H AYAT (1) Law No. 28 No. 1/2011 on Housing and Residential Areas, Law No. 1/2011 on Housing and Residential Areas No. 4/2016. Subject: Housing Savings and P.N.D. No. 25/2020 regarding the implementation of Tapera. In the first phase, the program was applied to ASN and then to BUMN employees in the private sector workers project. Tapera will operate up to 7 years after the issuance of BP Tapera, or approximately 2027.

Benefits of Tapera

At least this program has two benefits:

1. Make it easier for people to get more flexible mortgages

Participating in this project will make it easier for people to access home loans. These facilities include:

  1. lower interest ratesTherefore, installment payments are cheaper.
  2. 0% down payment
  3. Lives up to 30 years. Depends on the selected program

With this convenience It is hoped that those earning at or below minimum wage will be able to afford decent housing.

2. Balance can be withdrawn.

The balance of the Tapera contribution can be disbursed after the applicable participant's participation period ends. In this case, this balance can only be withdrawn when the participant reaches retirement age. (for employees or ASN) are 58 years of age (for self-employed) or have not been an employee or employee for 5 consecutive years anymore This indicates if you already have a home. You can use this public housing savings as a place to save. Pension fund

Types of Tapera products

As reported by BP Tapera's official website, Public Housing Savings consists of 3 products:

1. KPR Tapera

The program is aimed at individuals with incomes up to IDR 8,000,000 and IDR 10,000,000 (for the Papua region) who wish to purchase a new home. The advantage is that participants can get a mortgage loan with fixed interest. Minimum 5% per year until the end of the term and each term does not exceed 30 years. In addition, participants have the possibility of getting a house with a 0% down payment, also known as no down payment.

2. KRR Tapera

This program is aimed at participants who want to repair or improve their homes. with this program Participants can apply for loans from partner banks and receive fixed interest. Minimum 5% per year until the end of the loan term (maximum 10 years)

3. KBR Tapera

KBR Tapera is a home owner loan product aimed at participants who wish to build a home on their own land. (not purchased from developers like KPR) Like KPR and KRR, the interest rate offered to participants in this program is Fixed interest rate Minimum 5% per year with a maximum term of 20 years

Conditions for Tapera participants

The requirements for joining Tapera are quite simple: all workers, whether self-employed or under the auspices of governments and companies, are eligible to join Tapera. Must receive a minimum salary equal to the minimum wage. and be at least 20 years old or married when registering

What does a worker mean according to PP No. 21 of 2024, Section 7, is:

  1. State civil mechanisms in both the PNS and PPPK formats
  2. TNI member.
  3. Poll member.
  4. government official
  5. Employees of BUMN, BUMD and BUMDes
  6. Private sector employees.
  7. Other workers included BP Tapera employees and Bank Indonesia employees. or foreigners (WNA) who have worked in Indonesia for at least 6 months

How to register Tapera

For employees, companies must register employees on the BP Tapera membership website for freelancers. Registration must be carried out independently on the same portal. Method:

  1. turn page BP Tapera
  2. Click the application menu at the top right. Then click Member Portal.
  3. Click on the message to register your access here.
  4. Enter your NIK and date of birth. Then click send.
  5. Enter personal information
  6. Enter your email and check the captcha box, then click submit.
  7. A confirmation email will be sent to that email. Enter the OTP sent to the email.
  8. Create a new password
  9. Then start logging in by entering NIK and your newly created password.
  10. Read the terms and conditions
  11. Update your personal information
  12. That's finished.

Advantages and disadvantages of Tapera

Even though there are good intentions But this government project is not satisfactory to the people. Especially private employees One of the main reasons is that until now, private employee salaries have been cut by things like BPJS employment, BPJS Health, and PPh 21 Tax, so with Tapera added. Pay the house bill There will be fewer private employees.

Moreover, due to the threat of high inflation, prices of fuel and basic necessities may increase. Terre fees are an appropriate way to reduce people's purchasing power and general economic growth. This is coupled with the fact that increases in UMR or employee salaries generally do not exceed the rate of inflation.

The government also needs more work to convince the public about its ability to manage these funds. The reason is that, with widespread corruption, Public trust in government continues to decline. Moreover, the public must be well educated about the use of Tapera funds to prevent this. misuse of power

Tapera is one of the government projects that is currently gaining the attention of society. With the development of the internet and social media It is inevitable that people will be able to voice their opposition to the project directly and honestly. The government's current mission is to reassure the public that this project will be well managed, trustworthy and transparent and will benefit many people.

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