Did you know that you can earn profits from crypto investing without the need to trade or mine? can! Trading and mining are not the only ways to earn money from this investment tool. You can also earn additional income. (passive income) from cryptocurrencies through transactions called staking

What is Staking in Crypto?

Crypto Betting It is the activity of “locking in” some of your crypto assets for a certain period of time to earn additional profits. The concept of this transaction is more or less the same as depositing money. You deposit your money on a crypto exchange to lock it, so you won't be able to use it for a certain period of time and will earn additional profits in the form of interest.

The length of time these cryptocurrencies are locked varies as well. There are many flexible designs. (Take photos at any time) 3 month lock, 6 month lock, 9 month lock, and even 12 month lock (1 year) during this time. You will not be able to use these crypto assets for trading.

same as interest It is called crypto staking profits. Annual rate of return (APY). APY is the calculated profit from betting on cryptocurrencies. Compounding results– If you don't take into account the impact of this compound interest. It is called the benefit of crypto staking. Annual Percentage Rate (APR) To know the difference between the two? You can read the following articles:

Difference between APR and APY

The APY offered by each cryptocurrency betting asset is different and is often adjusted to the popularity of that asset. This means that the more famous the crypto coin, the lower the APY it offers. and vice versa Therefore, it is important for you to choose the crypto asset with the highest APY.

10 Crypto Assets with the Highest Bet APY (2024)

Here are the 10 Crypto assets with the highest bet APY on offer. crypto exchange Official in Indonesia:

1. Axis Infinity (AXS)

Surely you are already familiar with the game Axie Infinity. Axie Infinity is the most popular blockchain-based game in the world. Some of the content contained in this game is owned by the user. You can participate in the development of this game by staking AXS tokens on the Triv platform, one of the most popular tokens. In fact, AXS token offers up to 28.84% annual APY! Interesting, right?

2. Cosmos (Atom)

Cosmos is a crypto project founded in 2014 by Tendermint to develop communication protocols. Interblockchain To enable Blockchain networks to communicate with each other, the APY offered for staking this crypto asset is 15.66% on the Triv platform and 8% for a lock for 90 days on the Pintu application.

3. The Graph (GRT)

TheGraph (GRT) is a data indexing protocol for networks such as Ethereum and IPFS to enable better development of other projects such as dApps and the Web3 ecosystem. There are currently thousands of developers from around the world working on this project. If you are interested in developing this project. You can stake TheGraph tokens on the Triv app at 13.6% annual APY.

4. Athena USDe

The crypto asset with the second highest apy is Ethena USDe on the Triv platform. This crypto asset gives a high profit of 12.8% per year. Athena USDe is Stable US Dollar Based on the Ethereum ecosystem, this coin will only launch in 2023.

5. Celestia (TIA)

Celestia (TIA) is a modular blockchain network that helps developers deploy their own blockchains at a lower cost. First launched on October 13, 2023, this crypto staking is currently being promoted on the Pintu application, offering 10% APY for locking for 30 days and 12.5% ​​for locking in. time 90 days

6. Polka Dot (DOT)

Polkadot (DOT) is a crypto asset developed in 2017 that aims to create a system that allows blockchains to exchange data and assets. Polkadot Crypto Staking is currently available on several crypto exchange platforms in Indonesia such as Reku, Pintu, Indodax and Triv. The APY offered by this asset on each crypto exchange is 12.5%, 9%, 13.64% and 11.55% each. year

7. Near Protocol (NEAR)

NEAR is a layer-one blockchain designed to be a community-operated cloud computing platform. So that dApps application developers can develop more user-friendly applications. You can stake this cryptocurrency on the Pintu platform with 5.2% APY and the Reku app with 4.8% annual APY.

8. Solana (SOL)

The crypto asset with the 8th highest APY is Solana. Solana is a crypto asset developed with the aim of using the system. Proof-of-History (PoH) in dApps applications in conjunction with existing Proof-of-Stake (PoS) systems. Although the idea has been around since 2017, Solana was officially launched to the public in 2017. 2020 only

Solana crypto staking is offered by all major crypto platforms in Indonesia. At Reku, Solana's APY is 4.5%, at Pintu 2%-3.75% (depending on staking period), at Indodax it is 5.14%. and at Triv it is 5.68% per year.

9. Dash (Dash)

DASH is a digital currency developed by Evan Duffield in 2014. Once created under the names Xcoin and Dark Coin, DASH aimed to create a simple, cheap, and fast global payments network across the world. If you are interested in betting on this crypto, you can use the Triv application. DASH offers a relatively high APY of 5.19% per annum.

10. Kusama (KSM)

The crypto asset with the highest APY on Indonesian crypto exchanges in 2024 is Kusama (KSM). Kusama is a blockchain platform that developers can use to test their own blockchain systems before releasing them using the system on Polkadot (DOT). It is therefore not surprising that Kusama is called Polkadot's wild cousin.

Kusama (KSM) is available at Pintu and Reu. At Pintu, KSM APY is up to 4% per year, while Reku is up to 7% per year.

Tips for Choosing Crypto Assets for Betting

There are many factors you need to consider when choosing a crypto asset for betting, namely:

1. APY value

Since it represents the value of the profit you will receive, APY is of course an important factor to consider when choosing an asset to bet on. However, it is important to remember that APY also represents the potential risk of the investment. that asset as well (High risk, high reward– The APY value of crypto assets may vary between trading platforms. So be sure to pay attention to this.

2. Project behind the issuance of crypto assets

Staking is like making a deposit. The difference is If the funds collected in the deposit are to be used for real sector projects such as infrastructure development. The money collected from staking is used to verify transactions on a specific blockchain. so that any project On the blockchain, it can develop smoothly.

Each crypto staked asset offers a different project. Make sure you choose a coin or token that offers a project that fits your vision and mission. and accepting risks to reduce potential losses If you want to know the details of each project, you can read. Crypto assets white paper

3. Your budget

Not only is the APY different, the initial crypto deposit value for each asset is also different. For example, in the Pintu application, staking Matic crypto with flexi format requires a balance of only 100 Matic ( approximately IDR 1,000,000), while Solana for the same period requires a minimum balance of 5 Sol or approximately IDR 11,000,000. This minimum balance value will vary if you choose a lock period of 3 months, 6 months, etc.

4. Choose a crypto betting asset offered by a reliable platform.

Basically The crypto exchange platform only acts as a crypto betting aggregator. You can directly bet crypto without using this platform. But of course, there are more costs and resources involved. However, staking a crypto exchange comes with the risk that if the platform closes or is liquidated, your locked crypto assets may be lost.

So make sure you choose a crypto betting platform where BAPPEBTI guarantees legality. Although your property is not guaranteed to be returned as a deposit. At least by registering with BAPPEBTI, the government can help crypto investors to support crypto exchanges to return their money.

Crypto investing is a high-risk investment. It is not recommended to invest in this asset in any form. If you do not have good risk management skills and are not willing to learn.

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