Saturday, June 29, 2024

Microsoft Releases Windows 11 Insider Canary Build 26227

Microsoft has finally released it build new at once build Lastly for Windows 11 Insider Canary users in May 2024. The build released is build 26227 which of course brings quite a...

Windows 11 24H2 Now Available for Insider Release Preview

The release of Windows 11 version 24H2 is getting closer, this is marked by the release of this version for Windows 11 Insider Release Preview users, the most stable version of all the other...

Microsoft Looks Like It Will Overhaul File Explorer in Windows 11

Although basically Windows 11 brings file explorer newer start from the presence tabs in file explorer since Windows 11 2022 Update, to bring a number of improvements that they really didn't have time to...

Microsoft Trying to Overcome Slow Download and Install Windows 11 Insider 25276

Even though it was just released a few hours ago, it turns out that quite a few users have reported that the download and install speed is from Windows 11 Insider Preview 25276 slower...

There Are Additional Details About Low OneDrive Storage on the Windows Insider Dev Channel

In Windows 11 Insider Dev Build 25272 which was released earlier this month, it turns out that Microsoft has added additional information in the onedrive storage alert or onedrive notifications when capacity storage had...

How to Activate the VPN Icon on the Network System Tray Icon Windows 11...

As previously reported, Microsoft is presenting a new feature in Windows 11 Insider Dev Build 25247, where later when a user uses VPN access, the Network icon in the System Tray will change with...

Microsoft Confirms There’s a Bug in Weather Widget on Windows 11 Build 25158

Last week, Microsoft released Windows 11 Insider Build 25158 for Windows Insider Dev Channel users, now in this update, there are quite a few improvements including one of them is Notifications badging for Widgets,...