Did you know that one thing you have to consider when entering the stock market is the amount of tax you will be charged on your stocks? This is important because the size of the tax you will pay will obviously reduce the value of the income you will receive. In addition, this tax means that you have to consistently report the total value of your stocks.

Here are some guidelines regarding stock taxes:

Stock Tax

Stock trading tax is divided into two parts: tax from stock sales and tax from dividends, according to PPh Section 4, Paragraph 2. Share sale transaction Both individual and corporate investors are subject to a tax of 0.1% of their combined income.

In addition, pursuant to Article 4 Paragraph 1 KMK 282/1997, this tax deduction is administered by the Indonesian Stock Exchange through the Securities Trading Intermediary Company (PPE), also known as the securities company you use. Therefore, it is not surprising that the stock trading tax is usually included with the securities transaction cost and is deducted directly from the total sales.

For example, you sell one lot of BBCA shares for IDR 925,000 and the transaction fee charged by the broker is 0.25%. On the transaction fee of 0.25%, there is a final PPh tax of 0.1%, so the total amount received is IDR 922,687, which is obtained by deducting between IDR 925,000 and 0.25% from IDR 925,000.

The second type of stock tax is the dividend tax or the tax levied on investors if they receive dividends. According to Article 4, Paragraph 2 of the Final Income Tax, individual investors are subject to a 10% income tax on all dividends they receive, while according to Article 23 of the Income Tax, investors in business entities with NPWPs are subject to a 15% income tax, while those without an income tax are subject to a 30% income tax. Meanwhile, foreign investors are subject to a 20% tax.

However, provided that the dividends are not reinvested, if the funds are reinvested in the same or different shares, you will not be subject to tax on the dividends, but you must still report them. Before reporting dividend income in your SPT, you must first record the dividends and distributions in the electronic reporting section. For more information, you can visit the following link:

Payment of dividend tax

Are stocks subject to tax reporting?

As mentioned above, you still need to report your total assets, sales value, and dividends on your annual corporate tax return (SPT). Corporate tax returns are typically reported every April 30, while personal tax returns are typically reported every March 31.

In reporting this stock tax, 3 parts must be considered:

  1. Column “Selling shares on the stock exchange” To record the total sales you made in the past year, if you forget, you can open the transaction history menu or submit a request for tax documentation in the application you are using.
  2. “Dividends” column– To report all dividends (total value) received in the past year.
  3. “End-of-Year Assets” column– To report the current value of all your stock assets, instead of using the most recent portfolio value (market value), you can enter the purchase price or the amount you spent on purchasing these stocks in the Asset column at the end of this year. This acquisition price information can be obtained by filing a tax filing application with the filing broker.

How to report stock taxes in SPT

Here’s how to report your annual SPT stock taxes online:

  1. open djponline.pajak.go.id
  2. Enter NPWP and password
  3. Choose how you want to report your SPT by downloading the form or filling it out online via the website. If you choose the first option, make sure your device has the Adobe Acrobat app, as the document you will receive has a PDF extension, so you will need this application to fill it out. If you don't have this application, you can use the second option.
  4. You will receive SPT Form 1770.
  5. In the “Assets at Year-End” section of Form 1770-IV, record the nominal value of all of your stock assets at year-end using the acquisition price.
  6. On Form 1770-lll, Part A, you can write the total value of stock sales you made during the previous year in the column “Basic Taxation/Total Income– In the Income Tax Payable column, you can write 0.1%. Total income Where you come in, such as in the column “Basic Taxation/Total Income“You write IDR 100,000 then in the column Income tax payable You can enter 0.1% multiplied by IDR 100,000 or IDR 100. You can get both of these information in the securities tax documentation with the columns “Sales Value” and “Sales Tax”.
  7. Still on Form 1770-lll Part A, you can write down all dividends you receive from your stock, after recording them in the electronic report above. Unlike the sale of stock and the acquisition price, you must pay this dividend. Calculate small dividends yourself That you have received in the past year

Normally, the brokerage will send you an email with the record of dividends you received during that year. Check the email again and add the values. Once added, enter the information in the e-reporting along with the allocation.

If you allocate all dividends to reinvestment, the tax payable column can be filled with 0, while the Tax base It is full of dividends. On the other hand, if you take some of the dividends out as cash, Tax base Filled with small dividends received and full income tax of 10% of that value.

So how do you pay your dividend tax? To pay your dividend tax, you can go back to djponline, pajak.go.id, then select e-billing, fill in the details of the dividend you received and click submit to get your billing code. Write down or remember the billing code, as this code is what you need to say to the minimarket cashier or log into your mobile banking application to pay your dividend tax.

In addition to the above online methods, the next way to report your stock tax is to go directly to the Revenue Department of Pratama. At the reception, you can ask for the income tax form and fill it in directly. The officer will enter the information in the form himself. To make it easier, do not forget that you must first request the tax documentation from the application or securities you are using.

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