DANA PayLater is a payment transaction feature that does not have to be done on the spot, but can be made in subsequent months or in multi-month installments as needed. The presence of this payment feature makes it very easy for users of the application to perform different types of transactions, especially in the DANA application. other .

Credit card-free installment application. How to use DANA PayLater is very simple for various transaction purposes. The credit limit given is quite large. The filing system is not difficult. Here’s how to easily activate and use DANA PayLater.

What is Paylater Fund?

DANA PayLater is a new feature from fund application which works in conjunction with Akulaku, a card-free online loan application. pass qualification payer In this way, users can perform a variety of transactions according to their needs, such as electricity bill payments, top-ups, online shopping. and other types of transactions Therefore, having facilities like this is a huge benefit for those who wish to pay in installments without a credit card. Especially since the entire process is online.

There is a choice of payment methods in the form of payer This makes it easy for many users of the DANA application. Because you don’t need instant money to pay bills or shop online. What’s more, the way to use DANA PayLater is quite simple and the submission process is quick. This may take less than a business day.

There are also many advantages of PayLater DANA as a type. payer The best that doesn’t require a credit card.One of them will receive a lot of attractive bonuses and promotions if you use the Pay Later method. Users also benefit from interest rates that tend to be as light as 2% per month.

Of course, just like any other application with facilities. PayLater’s DANA limits are different for each user. When you enable this feature for the first time in DANA, users will receive a limit starting from IDR 500,000 up to a maximum of IDR 10,000,000 which can be increased by making frequent transactions using payer

Requirements to activate Paylater DANA

The way to get PayLater DANA is pretty simple. That is a registered user. upgrade account for DANA Premium, but unfortunately not all users can get this service. Because only selected people can use this service.

The reason why the PayLater DANA menu does not appear is usually because it is a new account. upgrade It’s Premium, rarely used to make transactions or maybe not using the application.– update Therefore, if you want these services to appear in the application, you should use DANA frequently for financial transaction purposes.

The way to activate DANA PayLater is not too complicated. The only requirement is to attach an identity card in the form of a KTP and an active mobile phone number. you can send View the types of conditions for activation. payer Fund below for easy approval.

  • Already have a DANA account (verified) and done. upgrade Premium Fund
  • payer DANA can only be enjoyed by selected users.
  • old code
  • selfie/selfie with ID
  • Active mobile number and email address
  • A valid and active emergency contact must be attached.
  • clean up job
  • Have a fixed income/salary every month

Please note that to activate PayLater DANA you must attach an emergency contact with an active and valid number. It is better not to recklessly attach a cell phone number to the transmission. payer can be approved by the application

In addition, the qualifications must be met in the form of clear job information and monthly income or monthly salary. as this may affect the user’s ability to pay their bills on time. If you’re overdue, you can pollute later. Credit score history at SLIK OJK then know How to check credit history Just in case there is an effect when requesting a new loan later!

How to activate Paylater DANA

finished upgrade It is DANA Premium and wants to activate. Payer? Learn how to activate PayLater DANA, it’s a pretty simple process.

  1. Make sure you have a DANA account and upgrade Premium Fund
  2. Enter the application by entering the PIN, then you will be redirected to the main page.
  3. Enter the ‘Me’ menu, then select PayLater to start registering an account.. Click Continue, then click ‘Continue’ again.
  4. in the registration form Fill in your personal information completely and accurately so DANA can easily approve your application.
  5. Next, upload the necessary files, such as the original KTP, attach active and reachable emergency contacts. Make sure mobile phone numbers for emergency contacts are not entered randomly.
  6. Enter accurate employment and salary information.
  7. upload pictures selfie while holding an identity card. Check that the uploaded image is not blurry and that the object is still clearly visible.
  8. send Don’t forget to double-check all information before submitting.
  9. submission complete Wait for the notification that it has been sent. payer successfully. Usually the process is relatively quick. Even less than a business day.
  10. If sending is successful You can now enjoy this feature. payer in the fund

Advantages of Paylater FUNDS

have payer It makes it easier for many people to transact different types of money as they can pay in the next month or via installment payment system. Therefore, DANA provides this feature to make it easier for users to transact in addition to a simple and fast submission process. already Here are some advantages of PayLater DANA.

1. The submission process is quick and easy.

strength payer The first thing about DANA is that the application process is quick and easy. and can be deployed immediately in less than a business day or a few hours. All procedures are performed online with sufficient funds. smart phone and only valid KTP

With the ease of signing up, many DANA users started using it. payer to carry out the objectives of various financial transactions There are also various transaction options. Users can pay BPJS electricity bills, other health insurance, buy credit and even shop online.

2. More flexible installment options

Plus, the advantage of PayLater DANA is that they offer more flexible installment options. Which can be paid in the next month or in installments up to 12 months. The convenience of this installment system makes it easier for users to pay in installments. Because the amount will also adjust the duration of the age.

Ltd. payer FUNDS when you register for the first time You can only get IDR 500,000. However, this limit can be increased up to a maximum of IDR 10,000,000 per account (up to one account). You can also increase the value in small increments, i.e. you need to do any transaction at DANA frequently.

3. Low Interest

interesting again through payer DANA users can get credit without a card at relatively low interest rates. Interest rates applicable to DANA include flat Or fixed at only 2% per month, so it can be said that it is relatively light compared to some models. payer other.

However, if the user is unable to pay the installment on time or does not pay even after the payment due date Of course, the user will be fined according to the applicable terms and conditions. The PayLater DANA fine is set at 5% of the total amount owed. Therefore, you should not be late for payment in installments.

4. Easier and more versatile bill payment

payment method payer DANA is very easy, you can also use various payment methods such as bank transfer/ATM and virtual account Of course when paying the bill there are no additional fees.

payer DANA is really attractive as it offers a lot of benefits to its users. Moreover, the limit is as high as IDR 10,000,000. But still should use the service. payer Be smart so that your finances won’t be disrupted in the future. see also how How to Check Loan Debt Online So you know which bills are unpaid so as not to damage your SLIK OJK credit score.

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