Laptops have become a daily necessity for many Indonesians, whether they are going to school, college or work. Personal computer Portable and easy to carry, these are the favorite options. The problem is that the price of these electronic devices is often unaffordable for most Indonesians.

The price of a new laptop with basic capabilities (not a gaming or graphic design laptop) alone can reach IDR 4,000,000. This cost does not include additional components such as a mouse or tempered glass. Fortunately, today there are many platforms that allow the purchase of these electronic devices using the credit system. One of them is FIF Group from Astra.

Can you get laptop credit at FIF?

PT Federal International Finance (“FIFGROUP”) is a subsidiary of PT Astra International, which operates in the multi-finance financing sector. Established in 1989 under the name PT Mitrapusaka Artha Finance, the company initially focused on financing Honda brand vehicles.

However, today the FIF Group has teamed up with its subsidiaries to provide a wide range of financing programs for the needs of many people, from vehicles, household furniture, business finance and of course, laptop purchases. The subsidiary that provides loans for laptops, smartphones and household appliances is FIF Spektra.

This company is under the supervision of OJK and received an official business license in 1989 by the Minister of Finance Decree No. 1151/KMK.013/1989. Therefore, you no longer have to doubt the legitimacy of this company.

Laptop credit limits, age and interest rates at FIF Group

The laptop credit limit and tenure offered by this company vary. You can apply for a laptop credit of IDR 20,000,000 in installments of 6, 9, and 18 months as per the terms.

FIF Spektra loan interest rates vary between 2.72% and 9.91%. per month– The amount of interest a debtor receives on credit is adjusted based on the debtor's age and potential risk. It is not surprising that if you and your friend buy the same laptop, the amount of interest you pay may be different.

FIF Group Laptop Credit Simulation Table

If you refer to the FIF Spektra credit simulation table, it can be estimated that the interest rate for this loan program is 5.73% for a 6-month term, 4.09% for a 9-month term and 3.67% for a 12-month term. With this mechanism, the small installments you have to pay for a laptop priced at IDR 5,000,000, IDR 10,000,000 and IDR 15,000,000 respectively are:

Laptop prices 6 months Total payment 9 months Total payment 12 months Total payment
5.73% 4.09% 3.67%
5,000,000 1,120,000 6,720,000 760,000 6,840,000 600,000 7,200,000
10,000,000 2,240,000 13,440,000 1,520,000 13,680,000 1,200,000 14,400,000
15,000,000 3,360,000 20,160,000 2,280,000 20,520,000 1,800,000 21,600,000
20,000,000 4,480,000 26,880,000 3,040,000 27,360,000 2,400,000 28,800,000
FIF Group Laptop Credit Simulation

The calculation method is very simple:

Monthly Installment = (Loan Principal : Age) + (Interest Percentage x Loan Principal)

For example, the price of the laptop you bought is IDR 12,000,000 and you choose a 12-month term with an interest rate of 3.67% per month. The monthly installments to be paid are:

Monthly installment = (12,000,000 : 12) + (3.67% x 12,000,000)

= 1,000,000 + 440,400 = 1,440,400 Indonesian Rupiah per month

Terms and conditions for laptop credit at FIF Group

The FIF Spektra credit requirements are quite simple: you must be 21 years of age or older, or married, and visit an office or store that is affiliated with this company. To find out the locations of offices and partners, you can open the following link:

FIF Spektra Partners

FIF Spektra Branch Office

Getting laptop credit at FIF Spektra is also easy. Here are the steps:

For customers who have never had a loan with FIF Group

  1. Visit this company's partner store with your KTP and then select the laptop you want.
  2. Tell the clerk that you want credit using FIF Spektra.
  3. Staff will help you fill in your personal information via the application (paperless).
  4. In the event of a problem with the digital system, data entry is performed manually.
  5. The information will be checked by the FIF group. This verification process takes approximately 60 minutes to 1 day.
  6. If approved, your dream laptop is ready to take home.

For customers who already have a loan with FIF Group

The way FIF Spektra credits laptops for existing customers is almost the same as for customers who have never applied for credit with the company. The difference is that customers with a FIFGROUP card can receive a verification code on their mobile phone, and the sales department will arrange this credit via the FGC application or Spektra shopping card.

The loan application process is also faster. If you have never applied before, it will take 60 minutes to 1 day. So if you already have a card or have applied for a loan, the verification process will take only 25 minutes.

How to pay in installments at FIF Group

FIF Group also offers a variety of installment payment channels so you don't have to worry when making payments. The installment payment channels include:

  1. Astrapay application– The advantage is that you will receive discounts and promotions.
  2. Alfamart.
  3. The post office has a “Installment Place” logo.
  4. KIPO cabinets or cabinets that work with this company
  5. Astra Insurance Branch Office
  6. Bank Transfer. Some of the banks you can use are Bank BCA, OCBC NISP, BTN, BRI, BNI and Bank Permata.

Here's how to apply for a laptop loan at FIF Group with a simulation. In addition to credit, you can also Buy electronic devices This is by saving and buying a used laptop. With the latter two methods, you will not have to pay monthly installments. However, no matter which method you choose to buy this tool, buying a laptop or any other electronic device should definitely be considered carefully.

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