serve payer This latest has begun to spread to many applications. One of them is Traveloka, a travel application. payer Traveloka for what? can be used to buy products or services on travel applications such as plane tickets, hotels bus payment, etc.

The presence of the buy now pay later feature of the travel application is very useful for many users who need it quickly but have limited funds. The interest is relatively light . How to register payer It turns out that Traveloka is not difficult to get approved as long as it meets the requirements. Check out all the information below!

What is Traveloka Paylater?

payer Traveloka is a payment feature where the payment system can do it later, known as ‘Buy Now, Pay Later’ on payer What is Traveloka used for? through this travel application Users can not only pay for tickets or booking Not just for accommodations but also to pay for utilities, cinemas, ride tickets, etc. as needed.

have Traveloka PayLater This allows users of the application to book travel tickets and other needs and pay later. Interestingly, you can also pay in installments from 1 month to 12 months (1 year) with a relatively light interest rate of 2.14-7.48 percent per month when you first register an account with the postpay service (payer) in the travel app. that the user will receive limit Traveloka PayLater starting at IDR 1,000,000 to IDR 10,000,000

one of the Advantages of Traveloka PayLater Not only is the application process relatively fast and there is a flexible installment system. but also have the opportunity to receive many interesting promotions as well It also sets a fixed interest rate.flat) so that other additional fees are not charged to the user.

How to register payer Traveloka is easy to do. As long as you have a valid KTP (your own), you don’t need a credit card. The Traveloka PayLater credit limit can only be used to transact on that application. Therefore, off-platform transactions are not possible. Let’s talk about the specification data. How to register and how to use the service in the next section

Traveloka Paylater Registration Terms

It can be said that it is similar to feature provider applications. payer no credit card In addition, Traveloka does not have any difficult requirements for users. So they can enjoy this feature. No credit card needed. Because only valid HP and KTP numbers are available. So you can use it for transactions.

If you want to use the payment service later from the Traveloka travel application, you must first download the application and submit the requirements required for registration. These are the terms Traveloka PayLater must comply with. so that you won’t be rejected

  • Be a registered user in the Traveloka application.
  • 21-70 years old, as evidenced by the original KTP (not that of another person/agent).
  • Active email and mobile number
  • Have a valid emergency contact number of close people or family that can be contacted.
  • Other supporting documents (Family Card, SIM, BPJS and NPWP)

All the terms of Traveloka PayLater above must be met if you do not want the platform to reject your application. Later when you get to the registration form filling section. The emergency phone number must be entered correctly. This is the mobile phone number of the family/close person that can be contacted for billing. (If you pay the bill late) because if it turns out that the contact is invalid or enters the number recklessly The application will be automatically rejected.

If the application is approved It will take about one business day or less. However, you don’t need to worry if your application is rejected. Because you can resubmit at least 6 months later (from your first submission).

How to register for Traveloka Paylater

How to register payer Traveloka must meet the previous requirements. That is, the original KTP must be present. Check all the steps below!

  1. Download the Traveloka application via toy store (android) or app store (iOS), then register yourself as a user.
  2. If you have finished registering and verifying your account. Go to the main page, select TravelokaPay on the menu, then select Traveloka PayLater again.
  3. in the submission form payer, You will be asked to fill out a form containing content including personal information. Information related to salary and work and information from your family or close ones
  4. Fill in all the information correctly with nothing missing or typos. Also, make sure when filling out your emergency contact information. All mobile numbers must be active and reachable. Avoid reckless filling as it will not be approved later.
  5. After filling out all information Upload all required documents as requested by the application. Upload your own photo and one of the supporting documents (BPJS, NPWP, SIM or KK).
  6. Wait for the information verification process, up to 1 business hour (60 minutes). Again, ensure that all emergency contacts (family) listed on the submission form can be reached within that timeframe.
  7. Check your email to see if your application has been approved by Traveloka. Make sure you enter an active email address to receive confirmation notifications.
  8. Done. If the account is approved. payer can be used for various transactions on the Traveloka application now.
  9. If the application is rejected Please resubmit 6 months after the first submission.

very easy, right How to register payer Is Traveloka approved or not? In addition to meeting age and KTP format requirements, you’ll also need to provide accurate emergency contact information and a contact number. both in the process of verifying the information and for billing when the user payer late payment

Please note that if you pay your invoice late or payer Officially maintained by OJK, history is recorded as Credit Score at SLIK OJK (Financial Information Service System). if you have note Rcredit score history Unfortunately, it will be difficult to apply for installment/credit again later, so the outstanding installments must be paid first.

How to use Traveloka Paylater

Already have an account? payer and want to travel using the feature ? know how to use payer The following Traveloka

  1. Open the Traveloka application, then select the product you want to purchase using the payment system. payer
  2. Go to the payment system, select payer
  3. Then choose the option of how long you want to pay in installments. Please note that the installment payable is at least IDR 100,000 per month.
  4. Select ‘Buy with PayLater’ and wait for the OTP code sent to the mobile phone number via SMS. Type the OTP correctly to authorize the payment.
  5. pay through payer successful

That’s how to use it. payer Traveloka easily, then pay the installment, see the Payment or Payment menu. This menu shows bill details and due dates. Payment can be made by bank transfer, ATM or virtual account

payer Traveloka has a limit where the amount varies for each user. So the usage is only up to the specified limit. For example, you want to buy a plane ticket for IDR 2,500,000 but the limit is only IDR 1,000,000, then you need to pay Rp. 1,500,000 in full, then Rp. 1,000,000 is payer that can be paid in installments

If the limit starts to increase You should be smart about using it. Avoid using properties payer Without having to calculate so that your finances will not be in trouble in the future.

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