Two years ago Microsoft introduced Microsoft Designer a Web App from Microsoft for Fast Simple Graphic Design similar to Canva.

Well, as time has passed, this application has certainly received quite significant improvements, in fact recently all-AI improvements have been introduced, guys, starting from image generator, design creator, greetings cards and the newest is sticker creator to create stickers based on certain descriptions that we add, this will of course allow users who don’t have artistic skills get the desired results with the DALL-E process technology.

And let’s discuss a little about features sticker creator, same as features generator Another feature available in Microsoft Designer, this feature will allow us to create stickers based on the descriptions we have added.

So, of course, we can share the results of this sticker creator by downloading it or sending it to a smartphone via QR Code.

The resulting image itself will be in .png format and then we can share it on social media or edit it again by adding special text, such as on WhatsApp with the Create Sticker option.

Well, I think the Sticker Creator feature in Microsoft Design is quite useful because we can use it to create special images based on our imagination, then we can edit the resulting images again to perfect them and share them.

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Apart from Sticker Creator, Microsoft Design also has quite a lot of additional features that are worth trying, guys, such as brand kit creator for those of you who want to make logos easily, greetings cards for those of you who want to make greeting cards and many others.

Do you also like Microsoft Design? Comment below guys and give your opinion.

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