AI again, where is it now according to information revealed by leaker @PhantomOfEarth in X, Microsoft is testing AI integration in Profile Picture Windows 11 Insider Canary Build 26231.

As in the image above, this integration will allow users to add effect the results of the AI ​​process on the profile picture that the user will use.

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Currently there are Blur Background, Portrait Lightning and Upscale Resolution, users can even apply filters to added images too.

According to PhantomOfEarth, this feature is currently still being tested internally but Windows 11 Insider Build 26231 users can enable it using ViveTool using the following command:

vivetool /enable /id:45189370,47364920

This Experimental feature is referenced as “AIProfileImage” and can reportedly be enabled in Insider Beta as well.

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Is this feature useful? Of course, especially if the photo we are going to use as a profile picture tends to be grainy and not good-looking, whether it’s due to lack of lighting, a poor background or poor resolution, of course we can take advantage of this ability, guys. And what’s interesting is that this Profile Picture will be synchronized on our other devices, so we can see our own handsomeness from anywhere.

Via: PhantomOfEarth /

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