Until now, BSSN or the National Cyber ​​and Crypto Agency together with the Ministry of Communication and Information and Telkomsigma are still trying to restore all services related to the National Data Center which have been down up to 4 days.

Initially, many may have thought that this was an ordinary technical downtime, but recently the National Cyber ​​and Crypto Agency (BSSN) revealed that the disruption at the National Data Center (PDN) occurred due to an attack. cyber which the perpetrator uses brain cipher ransomware (brain 3.0) and demanded a ransom of US$ 8 million (Rp. 131 billion).

This is the latest development of the Lockbit 3.0 ransomware. So this ransomware is indeed being developed continuously. So this is the latest after we look at the samples that have been carried out temporarily by forensics from BSSN

Said Hinsa Siburian in a press conference at the Ministry of Communication and Information

According to information from Kominfo, the Data Center that was attacked was a Temporary National Fund Center (PDNS) which was used while waiting for the permanent National Data Center which is still under construction. The available PDNS is located in two locations, namely Jakarta and Surabaya and is managed by Telkom Sigma and the attack that is currently occurring is an attack on PDNS located in Surabaya.

The impact of this attack apart from disrupting Immigration services, there were at least 210 agencies affected both centrally and regionally, however, several agencies have relocated their data to PDNS and are slowly starting to recover.

From the data, 210 agencies from both the central and regional levels were affected. Which are already up That was when immigration carried out a relocation and turned on its services

said Semuel – Director General of Applications, Ministry of Communication and Information

Meanwhile, until now, Telkomsigma as the manager is collaborating with the government and authorities both at home and abroad to carry out an investigation into this act of taking data hostage.

So what do you think guys? Please provide your thoughts and opinions.

Via: CNBC, Straitstimes, Business

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