At the event in May 2024, Microsoft introduced Recall a feature timeline which is supported by several AI models that function as photographic memory thus allowing the user to search for anything he has done on the device.

However, it was recently reported that there is Potential Threats to User Data Security and Privacy which was reported security researcher, with that, of course many users are worried about this feature and many of them encourage Microsoft to provide a good solution.

Well, here's an interesting fact, Recall even if you can turned off via the settings page, However, Recall will be active by default during Windows 11 Setup (OOBE) when Windows 11 is configured.

And as in the image shared Tom Warren (The Verge) above, there is no option to turn off this feature while the Setup process is running, which of course is another problem that concerns users because users seem to be forced to use the Recall feature even though they don't like it, especially with concerns about privacy and data security.

Microsoft will turn off the recall feature during the OOBE process

Well, regarding this matter recently Zac Bowden (Windows Central) provided a leak that Microsoft might turn off the Recall feature during the OOBE process and this plan has reportedly been discussed internally at Microsoft.

With that Recall can be activated manually from the Settings page and users who don't like it can still leave it disabled by default, pretty cool isn't it?

And although this news has not been confirmed directly by Microsoft, if it is true then this is the right step and is the best solution for both parties, users and Microsoft itself.

So let's see what steps Microsoft will take regarding this problem, whether they will release a Recall feature with disabled by default or still releasing it according to their original plan?

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