Epic Games is again distributing game titles for free on their platform, this time there are two games being distributed, namely Rumble Club – Free Game of the Week Bonus which is an additional game bundle which unfortunately you cannot claim if you don't have the base game, and the game Freshly Frosted for IDR 53,999.

Let's discuss the game Freshly Frosted, well this game is a game puzzle simulations which was created by developer The Quantum Astrophysicists Guild. This game will be released in 2022 and will go on sale for IDR 53,999.

In this game, we have to solve various interesting and challenging puzzles. Very suitable to play in your spare time.

Well, this game itself certainly doesn't require heavy specifications, just with a minimum of 256 MB RAM you can play this game. The following is system requirements from Freshly Frosted.

If you are interested, you can claim this game before June 27 2024 by claiming from the link following.

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