Days after Microsoft announced that they had retire NTLMnow they have added another feature to the list of features that are no longer used / deprecated.

This feature is DirectAccess, a feature first introduced in Windows 7 and Server 2008 R2 as a new method for clients to connect devices to corporate networks without a VPN connection.

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However, as Microsoft has developed new networking capabilities to improve the experience and security, DirectAccess has now been officially replaced. In fact, within pages official documentationMicrosoft advises users to switch from DirectAccess to Always On VPN:

DirectAccess has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Windows. We recommend migrating from DirectAccess to Always On VPN.

Even though DirectAccess is no longer used, this component is still available in the system for a while and still functions as it should. However, of course in the future this feature will be removed from the operating system and users are expected to migrate immediately from now on.

Via: Microsoft

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