Windows 11 version 24H2 is already available to users Windows Insider Release Preview since several weeks ago, apart from that starting June 18 2024, this version has also been released for Copilot+ device users.

Well, apart from that, this version can be said to bring quite a lot of new features and improvements such as changing the logo task manager, exists sudo for windows, and other features, the complete list of which you can see on the following page: New Features in Windows 11 24H2

And if you want to get Windows 11 24H2 immediately without having to wait for the official release which is expected to occur between September – November this year, you can of course apply several methods which you can read in the article following. But is it worth it? considering that this release can be said to be not yet official and still requires several additional improvements.

So, to answer this, here I will write down several reasons why you should not install Windows 11 24H2 which is currently in the Insider Preview release:

Not Officially Released Yet

One of the most important reasons is because Windows 11 24H2 has not been officially released to all users, in other words if you force the installation there could be possibility problems with the hardware and drivers you are using, especially if the device you are using is a device with older specifications with a bypass method during the initial installation.

As a recommendation, of course it is better for you to wait for this version to be officially released to avoid unwanted things, because usually when it is officially released the driver will also follow to be compatible with the system used.

Apart from that, when Windows 11 24H2 is officially released, usually Microsoft will not release this version to all users immediately on the day of the announcement, and instead the update will be released in stages. This is done to ensure that the hardware the user is using is ready to receive the update.

Feature Limitations

The second is that there are limitations / restrictions on the features in Windows 11 24H2. As we know AI features like Recall, Live Caption, Studio Effects and other AI features were apparently made specifically for the Copilot+ device, so we can't try all the features in this version.

However, it is possible that one day when this version is officially released, we can enjoy some of these features on the hardware we use with some performance limitations.

Also Read: Features Removed in Windows 11 24H2

Issues and Bugs

When Microsoft released the KB5039239 update for Windows 11 24H2, in fact this version still had a bug where the Task View animation was laggy and uncomfortable to look at.

Although this problem has been fixed in the update KB5039304, it does not rule out the possibility that there are other problems that users are not yet aware of. So it's a good idea for you to wait for the official release of Windows 11 24H2 to avoid unwanted bugs.

So, those are some reasons why you should not install Windows 11 24H2 for now.

However, if you are ready to accept all the things explained above, of course installing Windows 11 24H2 is not a bad thing either, guys, because we can get new experiences faster than other users. In addition, because this version has been officially released for Copilot+ devices, this version should be more stable for users to use.

Well, back again, it all depends on your final decision as a user, whether you want to wait for the stable release which is still a long time away, or immediately install Windows 11 24H2 using the method written in previous article.

What do you think? Are there any other reasons you would like to add? Comment below guys.

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