There is new news regarding Adblocker users on Youtube, which recently reported that Youtube will automatically do fast forward to the end of the video automatically if the Adblocker the user is using is active.

According to users Redditdo repeat doesn't solve the problem and this happens to everyone adblock extension known.

Well, regarding this, this is actually nothing new considering that Google has repeatedly tried to limit the use of Adblocker on content on the YouTube platform. One of them is that YouTube will provide a warning message recommending users not to use Adblock.

However, unfortunately this approach does not have much effect because users more often ignore the message. So that's why maybe this is also an additional strategy for Google in order Fight Adblocker on Youtube which of course is very effective because the video will automatically end if the user does not turn it off adblock they.

Youtube vs Adblocker

Well, not long after finding this news, of course the Adblocker developers also had to update the code in their extension, and reportedly uBlock Origin has fixed and succeeded in bypassing this problem.

But is your adblocker still working well? Comment below guys.

Via: Reddit

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