Among the more than 900 stocks listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI), dozens are selling at IDR 50 or even lower. Stocks that sell at this price are often called gocap stocks.

Investment instruments sold at this price are usually issued by companies that are little-known or have poor financial status, but there are also stocks from large groups that fall into this category, such as PT. Smartfren Telecom Tbk from Sinarmas Group

In addition, if you look carefully It is unlikely that you will find a Gocap stock that has a good financial position and has the potential to make profits in the future. Just to get shares like this You need to do a more careful and comprehensive analysis.

Here is a list of stocks worth Rs 50 and below as of June 2024:

Share registration Rp. 50

  1. PT MNC Asia Holding TBK (BHIT)
  2. PT MNC Vision Networks Tbk (IPTV)
  3. PT MNC Energy Investments Tbk (IATA)
  4. PT Bakrie & Brothers Tbk (BNBR)
  5. PT.Bakri Telecom T.B.K. (BTEL)
  6. PT Bumi Technoculture Angul TBK (BTEK)
  7. PT Mahaka Radio Integra Tbk (MARI)
  8. PT Mahaka Media TBK
  9. PT Sari Kreasi Boga Tbk (RAFI)
  10. PT Hetzer Medical Indonesia Tbk (MEDS)
  11. PT Kapuas Prima Coal Tbk (ZINC)
  12. PTT Banten Regional Development Bank Tbk (BEKS)
  13. PT Waskita Beton Precast Tbk (WSBP)
  14. PT Sentul City Tbk (BKSL)
  15. PT Bank KB Bukopin Tbk (BBKP)
  16. PT Jasnita Telecomindo Tbk (JAST)
  17. PT Wulandari Bangun Laksana TBK (BSBK)
  18. PT Citatah Tbk. (CTTH)
  19. PT Dharma Henwa TBK (God)
  20. PT Arcadia Digital Media T.B.K. (Digital)
  21. PT Ginting Jaya Energy TBK (Wow)
  22. PT Ristia Bintang Mahkota Sejati TBK (RBMS)
  23. PT Bliss Properti Indonesia Tbk (POSA)
  24. PT Pool Advista Indonesia Tbk (POSA)
  25. PT Pool Advista Finance Tbk (POLA)
  26. PT Aviana Sinar Abadi Tbk (IRSX)
  27. PT Kertas Basuki Rachmat Indonesia Tbk (KBRI)
  28. PT Harapan Duta Pertiwi TBK (Hope)
  29. PT Bakrieland Development Tbk (ELTY)
  30. PT Multi Agro Gemilang Plantation Tbk (MAGP)

Please note that this is a system Full Call Auction It is currently operated by IDX. The price of the above investment instruments can be above IDR 50 or fall below IDR 10 per share, so make sure you are updated with the latest price developments for these investment instruments. this

If you are smart in choosing 50 stocks, you can earn huge profits. Because not all 50 rupiah stocks have poor financial performance. There are still stocks that have recently IPOed that are not well known and therefore not many people are interested.

For example, you can buy 10 lots (1,000) shares of A at a price of IDR 51, so you only need IDR 51,000. The share price then gradually increased to IDR 200 per share at this price level alone. You will now receive a profit of 150,000 IDR.

However, there are also many risks in investing in this type of stock, such as:

1. High risk of uncertainty

You don’t know when the price of your chosen 50 rupiah share will go up, down or even be delisted, as there are generally few people interested in these shares, so the level of liquidity is also limited.

2. Hard to sell

Limited liquidity also means that Gocap shares you own will be difficult to resell. With today's full call auction system, GoCap shares are easier to sell. But there is a condition: you must sell at a loss. which means When you buy a stock at IDR 50 or above, you will inevitably sell the stock at the prevailing market price. (usually below IDR 50)

3. Risk of revocation

Stocks priced at 50 rupiah are also risky. Forced to revoke Or be forced to delist from the stock market and become a private company again. This can happen especially for stocks that have been suspended for a long time, are bankrupt, or have violated OJK and IDX regulations.

4. Risk of snoring

Sleeping stocks or sleep stocks are a term used by investors to describe stocks with low prices that have not changed for some time and cannot be sold. As a result, investors must leave stocks alone even if they need the money.

In addition to these 4 things, stocks in 2007 are also at risk of being targeted by irresponsible people and becoming fried stocks. In this case, the price of investment instruments will rise for the first time as if there is great interest. before agreeing again

Tips for Buying 50 Stocks to Make Money

1. Make sure there are no special symbols.

Stocks that have a price of IDR 50 per share in the past few months will be included in the special audit board of IDX with a mark of 1. If you want to get good stocks at a low price, make sure you do not choose gocap stocks that are not only marked with 1 but also other marks or symbols such as X or E. Because it means that there is something wrong with the financial status of the company. Therefore, IDX has been further examined.

2. Don't forget to check your financial and business conditions.

in investing in stocks for the long term The financial and business condition of the issuing company is important. This is to ensure the sustainability of the stock during your specified period. Not all cheap stocks have poor financial conditions. Try looking for cheap stocks that have a relatively stable financial position to buy.

3. Select stocks selected by the dealer.

Institutional investors with large amounts of capital certainly have better analytical tools than the average retail investor. So one way to pick 50s stocks is to buy stocks that are bought by institutional investors or bookies. You can find out about this by opening the bookmaker's history feature or downloading it. Application of bandarmology On your mobile phone, just so you don't get addicted to it. Pump and transfer dataMake sure you do your research before purchasing any investment instrument.

Low prices make 50s stocks attractive to collect, but remember that low prices often go hand in hand with low quality and liquidity. Choose your investment vehicles carefully so you can make a profit and not a loss.

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