Building a mosque is considered one of the noblest acts in Islamic teachings. Mosques are not only places of worship, they are also centers of religious and social activities for the Muslim community.

In order for the construction of a mosque that benefits the wider community to take place, adequate funding is required. The first step that can be taken is to open a special account to collect money from donors. Having an official account makes the fundraising process easier, transparent and auditable.

In this article, we will discuss the requirements and methods for opening an account for the construction of a mosque so that the fund collection process goes smoothly and complies with the relevant regulations.

About Mosque Accounts

A mosque account is a financial instrument used to collect and manage donations from the community for the construction, operation and activities of the mosque. This account is usually necessary to provide greater transparency and accountability in the financial management of the mosque.

The mosque accounts are usually managed by the Mosque Wealth Council (DKM) or a mosque custodian appointed by the community. In addition to managing the accounts for the construction of the mosque, the DKM is also tasked with overseeing all matters related to the prosperity of the mosque, including managing the mosque's finances from the sources it receives.

Mosque Account Function

In addition to building a mosque, a mosque account is also essential because all the income and expenses of the mosque can be properly recorded and can be shared with the community. The mosque account has many functions that are used for various purposes, including:

  1. Mosque construction and renovation, such as construction of new mosque buildings, renovation of mosque buildings and repair of mosque facilities.
  2. Mosque operations such as paying electricity bills, water bills, salaries of the muezzin and mosque cleaning staff.
  3. Religious activities such as reciting the Qur'an, commemorating Islamic holidays, and other social activities.
  4. Managing the Zakat, Infaq and alms received by the mosque and then distributing them to the eligible recipients.

Conditions for opening a mosque account

The following are the general requirements for opening a mosque account:

  1. A copy of the land title deed or the mosque management decree issued by the local government.
  2. A copy of KTP and NPWP from the mosque administrator who will be the owner of the mosque account.
  3. Fill out the account opening form provided by the bank.
  4. Submit documents verifying the mosque's legality, such as a certificate of registration from the Ministry of Religious Affairs or a local government agency.
  5. Make an initial deposit that meets the minimum requirements of the relevant bank.

This mosque account can be opened at almost all state banks, both public and private. For example, if you want to open a mosque account at BRI Syariah, there are several requirements that you must meet, including:

  1. Copy of DKM legal letter (Manager's Order). If the mosque is under the auspices of a foundation, an order from the foundation is required.
  2. Copy of the composition of the executive branch and its powers
  3. Copies of all executive ID cards
  4. A copy of the NPWP of one of the administrators to hold the mosque account.
  5. The initial capital for opening an account is IDR 1,000,0000.

By following the correct conditions and procedures in opening a special account for mosque construction, it is hoped that the fundraising process will be smooth and transparent. Having an official mosque account will help increase public confidence in donating to build a mosque that is prosperous and beneficial to all Muslims.

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