Amid economic uncertainty throughout 2023 and 2024, there are a group of securities issuers that are of interest to investors. The issuer is shares from the Barito group. Holding company who are moving in Mining sectorRenewable energy and industrial chemical product production

One of the issuers of this group is PT. Chandra Asri Pacific etc. in just one year. The company's share price increased 369.36% from approximately 2,000 IDR per share in June 2023 to 9,575 IDR per share in June 2024.

Not only TPIA, the shares of members in this group also continue to grow. bullish trend One time last year What are the names of these issuers? Read more below:

List of Barito Group stocks (2024)

1. PT Barito Pacific TBK (BRPT)

PT Barito Pacific Tbk (BRPT) is a subsidiary of the Barito Group. This company and its subsidiaries operate a mining business. Renewable energy management and production of industrial chemical products

Before entering the current business sector, BRPT was a company that operated a wood processing business. As the timber business weakened in the early 2000s, the company began to enter the mining and renewable energy markets.

The company was founded by one of the richest people in Indonesia, Prajogo Pangestu, in 1979 and had an IPO in 1993. Even after the IPO, Prajogo is still the largest shareholder in the company so far. with an ownership proportion of 71.19 %

2. PT Chandra Asaree Pacific TBK (TPIA)

PT Chandra Asri Pacific Tbk (TPIA) is part of the Barito Group, which produces industrial chemicals such as olefins and butadiene. These types of chemical products are necessary for the production of various industrial products such as electronic equipment, pipes, automobiles, and others.

PTT Chandra Asri Tbk was the result of the merger between PT. Chandra Asri and PT. Tri Polyta Indonesia in 2011, before using the current name. This company was previously known as PT. Chandra Asri Petrochemical.

TPIA is the only issuer of the Barito Group's shares other than BRPT, which has achieved success in its various components. stock index Leading companies in Indonesia such as LQ45, IDXESGL and Indonesian Sharia Stock Index (ISSI).

3. PT Petrindo Jaya Kreasi Tbk (CUAN)

The next Barito Group issuer is PT Petrindo Jaya Kreasi Tbk (CUAN). Founded in 2008, PT Petrindo Jaya Kreasi Tbk (CUAN) operates in the thermal coal mining sector. The company is expected to manage a 24,530 hectare concession area located in North Barito. Central Kalimantan

PTT Petrindo Jaya Kreasi Tbk was first listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange in October 2023. Since then, This company has been diligently expanding its business. This includes the acquisition of 34% of another public company, PT Petrosea Tbk (PTRO), in February 2024. In addition to PTRO, the company also acquired PT Borneo Bangun Banua (B3) and PT Borneo Bangun Banua Bestari, a mining company. Two other minerals also operate in Central Kalimantan.

Not only in the coal mining sector, according to the report cashIn 2023, this company will expand into silica sand mining. (sand used to make flat glass) with the acquisition of PT Prima Mineral Investindo. The company also manages an 18,500 hectare gold mining concession in Sumbawa. West Nusa Tenggara Through PT Intam affiliated companies

4. PTT PetroC TBK (PTRO)

PT Petrosea Tbk is a service-oriented company operating in the mining sector. Infrastructure, etc. The company was founded in 1972 under the name PT Petro-Sea International Indonesia. After being listed in Indika Energy in 2009, it became an asset of PT Caraka Reksa Optima in 2022 before being acquired by PT. Petrindo Jaya Kreasi Tbk (CUAN) in 2024

PTRO began being listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange in 1990. Currently, in addition to CUAN, shares in this company are owned by PT Grisi Jasa Persada, 34%, PT. Sentosa Bersama Mitra, 18.85%, and general investors, 12.25. %

5. Barito Renewables Energy TBK (BREN)

The latest issuer of the Barito Group is PT Barito Renewable Energy Tbk (BREN). As the name suggests, this company operates in the renewable energy sector. BREN cooperates with strategic partners such as Pertamina and PLN to manage various power plants. throughout Indonesia

The listed power generation projects managed by this company and already in operation include a geothermal (PLTG) or geothermal power plant in Wayangwindu Sukabumi, PLTG in Darajat, Karut and PLTG. In Mount Salak, PLTG projects in Hamiding, North Maluku and Sekingao Lampung are still in the preliminary survey and exploration process. The duration of geothermal resource management concession contracts varies from completion in 2039 to 2052.

The Barito Group currently holds a 64.67% stake in the company. However, BRPT founder Prajogo Pangestu owns a 23.6% stake in the company by the name of Green Era Energy Pte Ltd, a company owned by his family headquartered in Singapore.

That's a list of Barito Group shares that will be “supportive” for IHSG throughout 2023. However, ownership of shares in this company may vary from year to year. It is possible that both Prajogo Pangestu as the founder of this group and PT Barito Pacific Tbk will relinquish their ownership rights to one of the above-mentioned shares next year. So instead of relying on these educational articles. It would be better if you read the annual reports of the above companies directly.

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