Minister of Communications and Information Technology Budi Arie Setiadi emphasized that he would block Telegram this week if Telegram continues to ignore government warnings regarding online gambling activities and pornography on Telegram.

The Indonesian government began to emphasize this threat again after they sent letters of warning to Telegram twice, which unfortunately has not yet received a response from the relevant parties.

We have called Telegram, we have sent a second letter for follow up. There are pending up to 600 to be completed immediately. We will give you a week to respond

Said Semuel Abrijani via CNBC

Director General of Kominfo Information Applications Semuel Abrijani at the Kominfo Office, (image via CNBC)

Telegram itself is a digital messaging medium which is the best alternative to WhatsApp where it has quite a lot of advantages, including support for groups and channels with an almost unlimited number of users, and also a very large amount of storage. However, unfortunately Telegram is often used as a place to share online gambling content which is quite disturbing to the public. Apart from that, Telegram is also often used as a place to share pornographic content illegally.

In the midst of this disturbing activity, the Indonesian government through the Ministry of Communication and Information is trying to continue to eradicate online gambling and pornographic content even though it almost seems like it is not producing any results at all.

Previously Blocked!

As Telegram users, of course we have often heard that the government will block this social media, for example 7 years ago where Telegram also had the opportunity blocked by the government because it is suspected of being a means of communication for terrorist groups.

However, even so, after 1 month of being blocked by the government, the blocking was finally lifted and users could access Telegram again, this was done after there was an agreement between the Government, in this case the Ministry of Communication and Information, and Telegram.

And if now Telegram is blocked again on the grounds of online gambling and pornography, will that still open up the possibility of online gambling and pornography practices? I don’t think so and the government should have another, better and more effective method to block this content than just blocking it.

So, will Telegram be blocked again? Let’s see what the Ministry of Communication and Information decides whether they will act decisively or present a better alternative.

Interestingly, recently the Head of the Barrelang Police Criminal Investigation Unit, Commissioner R. Moch Dwi Ramadhanto, was transferred even though two months ago he succeeded in uncovering online gambling with a turnover of 2 billion rupiah by arresting 12 perpetrators who were operators and managers (via Compass).

What do you think? try commenting below guys.

Via: Compass

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