Previously we knew how How to Turn Off the Recall Feature in Windows 11. Well, this feature basically takes advantage of a lot storage resources According to Microsoft, storing snapshots for 3 months should require around 25GB with a recommendation of 50GB of available free storage.

As for the conditions, by default Recall will be carried out takes up hard drive space 256GB size is 25GB, 75GB for 512GB SSD, and 150GB for 1TB SSD. Quite a lot, right?

Imagine, from a 1TB SSD, you only have 850 GB of space available, of course apart from the capacity being cut, the SSD write cycle will be increasingly drained which can lead to a reduction in the lifespan of the SSD.

How Recalls Work Similar to Recyle Bin

A little additional information, guys, the storage allocation for Recall functions similarly to Recycle Bin storage. Where when a feature starts to reach the limit of available space, the system will start deleting the oldest snapshots to make room for new snapshots, which means, the feature will never exceed the storage allocation, so this feature should not cause the system to run out of storage.

How to Change the Storage Allocation of the Recall Feature in Windows 11

However, users can actually set how much allocation the Recall feature will take via the Settings page, where if you have a 512 GB SSD, you can change it to 50 GB or 25 GB, for 1 TB SSD users, you can change it to 100GB. , 75GB, 50GB, and 25GB, and for 256 GB SSD users can change it to 10 GB.

Here are short steps to change the storage allocation of the Recall feature in Windows 11.

Step 1. First, please go to the Settings > Privacy & security > Recall & snapshot page.

Step 2. In section Maximum storage for snapshots Please change it according to the conditions above.

Once changed, the system will immediately apply the new storage for the Recall feature in Windows 11.

>> Please remember, this feature itself will be available for Copilot+ PC devices which are planned to be available on June 18 2024. So if the device does not support it, this feature will not be available on Windows 11 system.

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