For those of you who have updated your Windows system to the latest version, for example Windows 11 23H2 to 24H2, generally you will find an additional folder on drive C, namely Windows.old.

The Windows.old folder itself contains various previous versions of Windows system data which aims to ensure that if the new version of Windows you are using turns out to be problematic, you can restore to return to the previous version. Generally, the restore process is limited to a maximum of 10 days, if this has passed, the Windows.old folder will usually be deleted automatically and the rollback process can no longer be carried out.

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If there's no problem, can we delete the Windows.old folder manually? The answer is of course yes guys and the steps are very easy. You can use Disk Cleanup which WinPoin has written on the page followingor follow the steps below, guys.

How to Remove Old Windows on Windows 11

Step 1. First, please open Settings > System > Storage.

Step 2. Please click on Temporary Files, then select the option “Previous Windows installation(s)”.

The others can be you leave it blank just, make sure option Downloads If you don't activate it, otherwise all contents in the download folder will be deleted.

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Step 3. If option “Previous Windows installation(s)” you have chosen, please click Remove files > Next, please select Continue.

Next, the deletion process will be carried out, here is an example.

And here are the results.

By deleting the Windows.old folder, you can save at least 16 GB of storage, so if you feel this folder is burdensome and the system feels like it is running normally without any problems, you can just delete this folder.

Please try it guys, hopefully it's useful.

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