Generally, Windows 10 and Windows 11 have a Feedback Hub application where in this application we can provide reports if we find problems and bugs directly to Microsoft.

Apart from being able to access the Feedback Hub application itself from the Start Menu, we can also use it hotkeys Win + F which will quickly open the application. However, sometimes keyboard shortcut This is quite annoying because I myself can even say that I often make the wrong click when trying to press the Win + D keys to display the Desktop, so it’s a good idea to turn off this key combination.

Is it possible, bro? The answer is of course you can, in fact there are many ways we can turn off the keyboard shortcut and in this article I will apply the easiest steps by using the Windhawk application.

What is the Windhawk app?

The Windhawk application itself is an application that allows us to make modifications to the Windows 10 and 11 systems, for example to activate Vertical Taskbar in Windows 11 very easily.

How to Turn Off Keyboard Shortcut Feedback Hub

To turn off the Feedback Hub keyboard shortcut, you can do the following steps, guys.

Step 1. If you don’t have the Windhawk application, you can download Windhawk from the site following and install as usual.

Step 3. Next, please open the Windhawk application and download then install mod Disable Feedback Hub Hotkey.

Step 3. Next, please click Accept Risk and Install.

If the Mod has been installed, please reboot your system and after that the Win + F combination keys will no longer work to open the Feedback Hub application.

To open feedback hub You can open the application manually from Start Menu > All Apps, meanwhile the Win + F keys will not work and if you press them you will only type the ‘f’ key as usual.

This Windhawk is really cool, and there are quite a lot of mods that function to enhance the experience of using Windows 11. Are you curious about other mods? Later I will try to make a list of my favorite mods, guys. Just stay tuned.

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