As we know, Microsoft Edge has a feature that allows us to edit PDF files, such as doodling, coloring to highlight, leaving comments and more.

Now it seems that this feature will also be implemented by Mozilla in its Mozilla Firefox browser.

Reporting from Techdows, in Firefox 104 Nightly, there is an Experimental feature under the Firefox Config menu = “pdfjs.annotationEditorMode“, where this feature will allow users to edit PDF files that they open in Mozilla Firefox.

Well, just like in the picture above, after the Experimental feature “pdfjs.annotationEditorMode” is activated, there will be an additional menu in the PDF Toolbar section, where there are options to add text, add annotations, and also scribble with the Pen feature available there.

Although it is not as complete as the Editing feature that is present in Microsoft Edge, this feature is certainly an interesting improvement for those of you who use Mozilla Firefox as their main browser.

But friends, please note that this feature is still experimental and only available in Firefox Nightly, so this feature is still quite far away until it is officially released for Firefox Stable.

What do you think about this feature? comment below guys.

Via : Techdows

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