A few months ago we got information that Mozilla Firefox would get feature preview tabbut at that time this feature was only available as an initial test and will only be available if we have activated it this experimental feature with through about:config page.

But there is good news, guys, according to posts from the account X Firefox Nightly’s official Tab Preview feature has finally been officially released.

So, this Tab Preview feature will be similar to the one that is already present in Google Chrome, and although it is not clear what the reason is that Mozilla will only release this feature in 2024, at least this feature is finally here for us to use.

And as in the example image above, tab preview will display not only title That’s all guys, but apart from pictures there will be link and even pid according to the hovered tab. Great, isn’t it? With this we can see complete detailed information from the tab that we hover over.

The Preview tab is currently only available in Mozilla Firefox Nightly, so you have to wait a little longer until this feature is finally released in Firefox Stable in the next few weeks.

What do you think? Comment below guys.

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