Recall and Recall, that’s news that I hear quite often because a lot of media talks about it. Even though Windows Recall is basically quite good, it actually exists Potential Threats to User Data Security and Privacy which needs to be reviewed by Microsoft.

And what’s interesting, friends, is that when Microsoft almost failed with the Recall feature, there were developers who actually developed a feature that was almost the same and even tended to be better because it was not exclusive to Copilot+ device users and even without the need for an NPU.

His name OpenRecalljust like Microsoft’s Recall, OpenRecall will save everything we do on the device by fetching snapshots which are then processed and organized for fast searching.

On GitHub it is explained how OpenRecall works, it can even be said to be very similar to what Microsoft will present in Windows 11 Recall.

One of the reasons why OpenRecall stands out is that OpenRecall is 100% open-source, which of course means you can audit the source code for potential backdoors or features that affect privacy.

In addition, this OpenRecall cross-platform and can work on Windows, Mac, and Linux so you are free to use it on whatever system you use.

OpenRecall itself is designed to be compatible with any hardware and does not require an NPU with special hardware, then there is a privacy issue, just like Microsoft’s Recall, all data will be stored locally and apart from not being related to the company’s privacy policy, later OpenRecall will implement encryption with a password as part of added security.

So what are the features?

In terms of features, OpenRecall has features that are almost the same as Microsoft’s Recall, such as Time Travel where you can visit activities you have done before, powered by AI, a Semantic Search feature with Advanced Local OCR, and Full Control Storage where of course you can manage it using full.

The following comparison is provided by OpenRecall vs Windows Recall and

Features OpenRecall Windows Recall
Transparency Open-source Closed-source Closed-source
Supported Hardware All Copilot+ certified Windows hardware M1/M2 Apple Silicon
OS Support Windows, macOS, Linux Windows macOS
Privacy On-device, self-hosted Microsoft’s privacy policy applies Connected to ChatGPT
Cost Free Part of Windows 11 (requires specialized hardware) Monthly subscription

Isn’t it great? This application was just released four days ago on GitHub. Maybe later I’ll try to review it in more depth because to be honest, this looks really interesting, guys, especially according to the developer’s claims, OpenRecall can provide the same experience as Windows Recall.

If you are interested in trying it, you can download OpenRecall on the GitHub page following.

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