Windows Subsystem for Linux has become a feature that is quite useful for users developers which indeed works in a Linux environment without having to leave the Windows operating system.

However, unfortunately improvements in WSL can be said to be quite slow because WSL is almost perfect, especially since the introduction of WSL2 several years ago.

Regarding Windows Subsystem for Linux, Microsoft recently announced several improvements and new things to WSL in May 2024, one of which is improvements to Memory, Storage and Networking as has been tested since eight months ago.

Also Read: There are interesting experimental features in the latest WSL update

Apart from that, there is one thing that certainly caught my attention, namely Microsoft introduced the presence of a new Settings GUI for WSL, guys. With this GUI Settings, users can certainly more easily manage and view the settings available in WSL.

An example is as in the image above, where through this new settings page, users no longer need to manually edit .wslconfig file to make changes.

The best part is that the WSL Settings app is compatible with the .wslconfig text file, meaning that your existing settings will still be respected, and you can edit settings with the GUI app, a text editor, or both as you wish!

But of course, if you like the old way by editing the .wslconfig file, these settings will be synchronized so that no matter how you edit the settings, everything is the same. It depends on the user himself.

Well, that's interesting, isn't it? If you don't like editing via CLI, you can do it via GUI. Apart from that, WSL also now has enterprise-friendly or company-friendly thanks to a zero-trust approach. Where starting today IT admins can implement conditional access scenarios based on the status of certain Linux distros.

Later in July and August, Microsoft Entra ID will be integrated with WSL, meaning Microsoft's Authentication Library will be able to communicate with WSL so users can log in with their Entra ID credentials.

Via: Microsoft

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