As we know, with the Windows 11 22H2 update, Microsoft started introducing a new File Explorer with several important changes including the presence of Tabs in File Explorer and a new, more modern Details Pane.

This new File Explorer is indeed very modern and is starting to leave behind the old style that has existed since the Windows 10 era, but unfortunately there are quite a lot of users who feel that this File Explorer is not better, especially after there was information that This file explorer feels slower than the old one.

But did you know that in Windows 11 23H2 and even 24H2 which is currently available in the Insider Release Preview, the old File Explorer is still available for us to use.

This information was first disclosed by u/The_Blank_Spot on Reddit where the trick is quite simple, just go to Control Panel > System and Security > Windows Tools, which will automatically open the old File Explorer.

And here is an example of New vs Old File Explorer that I opened in Windows 11 23H2.

Both can be opened side by side and in my opinion it is true that the old File Explorer feels like it has better performance A little better than the new version with WinUI3.

Well, apart from that guys, this old File Explorer has a solution to a problem that is quite widely discussed in the latest Windows 11, namely absence Drag and Drop feature in the Address bar. Where in the old version of File Explorer, of course this feature was available for us to use, guys.

Is this a vulnerability that Microsoft should fix? what do you think?

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