WSUS or Windows Server Update Services is a service that helps IT admins to manage and distribute updates from Microsoft products across all their organization's devices.

WSUS itself can be utilized well where IT Admins can launch Windows updates for devices clients many, the admin can also manage driver updates from WSUS. But guys, one thing is going to change because in Microsoft's latest post, it looks like they are going to stop supporting WSUS driver sync.

So, before they decided to stop supporting it, Microsoft had conducted a survey with the result that only 34% of the participants were using WSUS for driver synchronization. Moreover, most of the 34% were already in the process of switching to other solutions.

Out of the participants who use WSUS, only 34% reported that they use it to synchronize drivers. Most of this 34% reported that they are in the process of implementing a different solution and do not anticipate any problems with deprecation. Only 8% of participants indicated concerns over potential effects of deprecation, and we want to help everyone to get ready.

So with that, of course because most of the 34% also reported that they were trying other alternative solutions, Microsoft finally decided to stop supporting WSUS driver synchronization. But don't worry, this support will stop on April 18 2025, so users who are still using it still have quite a long time to look for the best alternative.

Our plan is to deprecate WSUS driver synchronization on April 18, 2025. For on-premises contexts, drivers will be available in the Microsoft Update catalog, but you will not be able to import them into WSUS. You'll need to use other means, such as Device Driver Packages, to distribute the drivers within your network.

For those of you who may work with companies that implement WSUS, you can start looking for better alternatives because after April 18 2025, this service will end.

You can also find information about this on the Microsoft page following or following.

Via : Microsoft, Neowin

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