Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Windows 11 Recall: Potential Threat to User Data Security and Privacy

On May 20, 2024, Microsoft introduce feature Recall (which previously we may have known as AI Explorer). Recall itself is a feature timeline which is supported by several AI models that function...

Amperage: This Application Can Help Activate the Recall Feature on Unsupported Devices!

The Recall feature, as we know, is a feature that will reportedly be an exclusive feature for Copilot+ device users. However, some time ago there was news that The Recall feature in...

Some Users Experience Problems in the Taskbar After Installing Update KB5037853

Some time ago Microsoft released Preview Update KB5037853 where in this update there are a number of improvements including: QR Codes on the Windows Share and PC Manager pages specifically for users in China. Apart...

Update KB5037874 : Brings Phone Link Improvements to Windows 11 Insider Dev

Simultaneously with the release Windows 11 Insider Canary Build 26227yesterday Microsoft also updated Windows 11 Insider Dev with updates KB5037874 which will change the OS Build to 26120.751. Through this update, there are...

Windows Driver Verifier GUI Officially Shuts Down by Microsoft!

Recently Microsoft has added official list features that have deprecated or which is no longer being developed for the Windows 10 and 11 operating systems. This time the feature that is being turned...

Update KB5037853: Drag and Drop feature is back but still has problems!

As we know, the drag and drop feature in the File Explorer address bar has become one of the features that is expected to return to Windows 11, why? because initially this...

Microsoft Releases Windows 11 Insider Canary Build 26227

Microsoft has finally released it build new at once build Lastly for Windows 11 Insider Canary users in May 2024. The build released is build 26227 which of course brings quite a...

AI Features Coming to Windows 11 24H2: Recall, Live Caption, Studio Effects

Through Windows 11 version 24H2 which will be launched this year, Microsoft will introduce many AI-based features to the operating system, one of which is Recall, which we may previously know as AI...

Code AC-3 Removed in Windows 11 version 24H2, Microsoft Confirms

In support documents published secretly, Microsoft stated that Windows would continue to support popular codecs such as FLAC or ALAC but the “AC-3 codec” will no longer be included starting with Windows 11...

Preview Update KB5037853 Presents PC Manager and QR Code Integration

As per the usual schedule, today Microsoft has released update preview for users of Windows 11 versions 22H2 and 23H2 which this update is KB5037853 and will change the OS Build to 22621.3672...